Case Study

Case study: providing real-time site visibility
The challenge Morrison Water Services (MWS) provide vital repair work to keep the country’s water...
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Why digitalising highways field work is the road to success
Road building goes back thousands of years, making it one of the world’s oldest professions. Of...
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Connecting field force teams to data below the surface
The National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) is a joint initiative of the government and several...
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International Women’s Day – how FYLD is #BreakingTheBias
International Women’s Day (IWD) provides the perfect opportunity to reflect and appreciate the...
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FYLD awarded substantial OFGEM funding
FYLD, in partnership with SGN, has secured close to £60,000 of funding from the Office of Gas and...
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4 ways to optimise a positive workplace culture
Promoting a workplace culture which encourages employee empowerment, respect and plenty of growth...
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Meet the Team – Daniel Meszaros
We caught up with our Principal Software Engineer, Daniel Meszaros, to learn more about his...
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“FYLD is riding the tide of the digital transformation” – says global AI leader
Last year, we met Dr Fang Chen, the executive director of data science and distinguished professor...
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How field work teams can start 2022 safely
Safety incidents can happen at any time and to any worker, but there are certain scenarios that...
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FYLD raises £10 million in Series A funding
FYLD, the London-based, AI-driven digital platform designed to revolutionise the safety and...
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5 things you need to know about AI risk management solutions
AI risk management solutions have the potential to revolutionise safety and productivity in field...
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FYLD shortlisted for three prestigious Utility Week Awards 2021
FYLD, the digital platform that transforms the ability of field workers and businesses to make...
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How AI can bust stress in field operations
Field operations are stressful environments by their nature. Workers experience stress from the...
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Global leader in AI innovations appointed to FYLD’s advisory board
According to recent reports1, the global artificial intelligence (AI) market is expected to grow...
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World Mental Health Day: How AI is a gamechanger for the psychological health of fieldworkers
By Karl Simons OBE, Executive Director for Health, Safety & Wellbeing at FYLD
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SGN discusses how FYLD has enhanced the utility’s sharp focus on safety, quality and compliance
As global energy consumption and consumer appetite changes, utility and power companies are under...
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HS2 selects FYLD for Innovation Accelerator programme set to improve rail health & safety productivity and carbon reductions
FYLD is honoured to have been chosen by HS2 to join the latest cohort of its highly coveted...
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FYLD one of five firms aiming to cut carbon emissions and improve safety during HS2 construction
HS2 Ltd has signed up five new firms to its ‘Innovation Accelerator’, hoping to cut carbon...
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Utilities and contractors: embracing a digital age
As utilities get smarter, contractors also have an opportunity to embrace technology that will...
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FYLD Receives ISO 27001 Certification
We are ISO 27001 certified! What does this mean? The International Organization for...
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Meet the team: Josh Wood, operations specialist
We have experienced incredible demand for the FYLD digital platform as more and more businesses...
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FYLD appoints health and safety leader to executive team
FYLD, the digital platform that transforms the ability of fieldworkers and businesses to make...
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Keeping the gas flowing during Covid-19 lockdowns
How SGN rolled out FYLD as part of its response plan The essential work of utilities must continue...
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Connecting the utilities workforce
Utilities are facing increasing pressure to improve productivity and safety of field operations....
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Unlocking savings through innovation
Feeling the pressure to perform from all sides? Utility companies are facing multiple challenges,...
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10 ways to improve field worker productivity
Meeting the demands of a changing world Today’s utilities sector is being challenged on all sides....
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UK IT Awards – Emerging Technology of the Year winner
We are delighted to announce we have been selected as winners of the Emerging Technology of the...
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Fieldworker productivity
We discuss how utilities can digitise key field worker processes, and give field operation managers...
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Leading from the front
We explain why successful digital transformation needs full executive buy-in and how to get it.
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Driving digital transformation through data capture
Data is the driving force behind digital transformation. The more sophisticated utilities are in...
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Improving the safety and productivity of SGN’s field operations
Safety and productivity of field operations is a critical concern for utility companies. FYLD...
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Shaping the future of utility operations in the field
Ways of working can cause unnecessary frictions Many of the most common methods that field teams...
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Change management in utilities
Introduction To reap the full rewards of digital transformation, utilities must embrace...
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To build or buy: the utilities dilemma
In the drive to integrate new mobile capabilities into their business, utilities face the choice of...
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Three forces impacting the utilities sector
Utility companies around the globe face a powerful new wave of disruption. Pressures such as grid...
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Remote workforce management in utilities during COVID-19
Introduction The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has presented companies in all sectors of the...
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