What will the future of work look like?


By Fiona

By Karl Simons OBE, Chief Futurist at FYLD

As I glance back at the evolution of technology and systems at work, it’s hard to believe just 25 years ago I saw the introduction of basic email at work, and the internet come into existence. Fast forward to today and you might be asking yourself: if we’ve come this far in such a short space of time, what will the future of work look like?

In our personal and professional lives, we’re now surrounded by a whole new era of technology. Talk of AI, automation and machine learning might sound like we’re living in the year 3000, but you’re already using these tools every day to order your weekly shop, find a new restaurant, or get through to your bank in the form of Siri, Google Maps and ChatBots – just to name a few. 

Whether you’re a desk based or deskless worker, technology is shaping a new normal. Every industry is going through digital transformation, and safety-critical sectors such as construction, infrastructure and utilities are no exception. In fact, 96% of utilities executives agree that emerging technologies are enabling their organisation to have a broader and more ambitious vision.

But with new – and sometimes arguably dystopian – AI tools being released every week, coupled with BT’s recent announcement to replace up to 55,000 jobs with AI, it’s no surprise that not all workers are greeting technology with open arms. It’s also not just the current workforce that can be resistant to technological change. Young students are also struggling to plan their future jobs, with over 65% aiming for jobs that don’t yet exist.

The truth is, however, that technology might just be your new favourite co-worker. Who doesn’t want a colleague that can bring timely solutions to everyday problems, streamline repetitive processes, and help to implement new, more efficient ways of working?

So, if you’re looking for some reassurance that the future world of work isn’t as scary as it sounds, you’ve come to the right place. 

Join us on the latest episode of FutureTalk where I’m joined by Jon Z Bentley, IBM Consulting Enterprise Partner and Sales and Strategy Leader for EMEA and Gareth Mullen, Thames Water Head of Health and Safety Systems, as we time travel to the future to bring you a snapshot of what technologies we can expect to see in our workplaces.  

In Fast Forward: Exploring the Future World of Work, we reminisce about how technology has evolved throughout our careers so far, put ‘fear of adoption’ into perspective, and provide actionable and useful tips for managers to help their teams embrace technology. 

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