
Top 5 AI applications for transforming construction management

Written by Brynne Hazzard | Jul 9, 2024 1:22:00 PM

In recent years, the construction industry has witnessed a significant transformation through the integration of artificial intelligence. These advanced technologies are redefining traditional methods, enhancing efficiency, safety, and overall project outcomes. In this blog, we’ll explore the top five AI applications that are reshaping construction management and driving the industry forward.

FYLD works with construction companies globally who have embraced AI as part of their digital transformation efforts. 


1. Predictive analytics in construction

Delays are a common challenge for the construction industry where an  average of 72% projects experience delays,  leading to budget increases as high as 24%. Predictive analytics, powered by AI, is transforming the way construction projects are managed by effectively addressing these issues. By analysing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can predict situations before they occur such as high-risk jobs or operational blockers, reducing downtime, mitigating risk, and increasing productivity.

Key benefits:

  • Enhanced productivity:  By anticipating operational blockers and inefficiencies, AI helps streamline workflows, leading to significant productivity gains.

  • Proactive risk management:  Predicting risks before they occur enables construction managers to implement mitigation strategies, ensuring smoother project execution.

  • Real-time insights:  Access to real-time data provides a comprehensive view of field operations, helping managers make informed decisions quickly.


2. Automated risk assessments

Safety is paramount in construction, and AI is playing a crucial role in enhancing site safety through automated risk assessments. AI-powered tools continuously monitor site conditions, identifying potential hazards in real-time and suggesting mitigation and control measures. This dynamic approach to safety management helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer working environment for all employees.

Automated risk assessments done via voice and video can significantly improve safety outcomes in the construction industry, which remains one of the most dangerous sectors. In 2022, the construction industry had the highest number of fatalities among all industries, with  1,056 deaths, highlighting the critical need for improved safety measures. Furthermore, falls, struck-by incidents, electrocutions, and caught-in/between incidents (the “Focus Four”) accounted for  65.5% of all construction fatalities.

AI-driven safety tools can reduce these risks by providing real-time hazard identification and proactive risk mitigation. For instance, automated systems can monitor site conditions continuously and alert workers and supervisors to potential dangers, thus preventing accidents before they occur. The Focus Four are amongst the easiest of risks to detect with modern technologies. The implementation of such technologies can lead to a significant decrease in injury rates and fatalities, improving overall site safety.

A leading UK construction company achieved a 20% reduction in incidents and injuries through FYLD’s AI-powered, point-of-work risk assessments. This resulted in significant annual savings from fewer safety-related site shutdowns and reduced downtime.

Key benefits:

  • Real-time hazard Identification:  Continuous monitoring of site conditions allows for immediate detection of potential hazards.
  • Proactive risk mitigation:  AI tools suggest mitigation measures, helping to prevent accidents before they happen.
  • Improved site safety:  Enhanced safety protocols and real-time data lead to a safer working environment, reducing the incidence of injuries and fatalities.


3. AI in operational efficiency

AI is advancing operational efficiency in the construction industry by optimising workflows and enhancing coordination between field teams, managers, and other stakeholders. By analysing real-time data, AI-driven tools provide actionable insights that improve team efficiency and streamline operations.

FYLD’s AI-driven insights have shown significant improvements in operational efficiency, with our customers achieving over 12.5% productivity gains and a 15% increase in completed jobs. AI tools can quickly generate numerous resource-loaded schedules, providing clear cost and time impacts, which allows for more informed decision-making. Additionally, automating administrative tasks can save up to 15 hours per week per manager, leading to substantial cost savings 

Key benefits:

  • Enhanced Team Efficiency:  AI improves communication and coordination among field teams and managers, optimising workflows and reducing delays.

  • Improved Resource Allocation:  Real-time data analysis ensures effective use of resources, reducing waste and enhancing productivity.

  • Significant Time Savings:  Automating administrative tasks frees up time for managers to focus on critical activities, leading to better overall project outcomes.


4. Quality control through AI

Maintaining high standards of quality is critical in construction, and AI systems are enhancing quality control processes. By analysing data, AI ensures that construction work adheres to standards and specifications. This reduces the need for rework, minimises errors, and ensures that the final output meets the required quality standards.

FYLD’s implementation in quality control has shown significant improvements. For example, a leading construction firm using FYLD reported a 10% reduction in rework, resulting in estimated annual savings of nearly £2 million. Additionally, the adoption of AI for real-time quality assurance has helped address process non-adherence, saving countless amounts by reducing avoidable errors such as incorrect concrete pours.

Key benefits:

  • Enhanced quality assurance:  AI systems continuously monitor construction processes, ensuring adherence to quality standards.
  • Reduced rework and errors:  Early detection of potential issues minimises the need for costly rework.
  • Adherence to standards and specifications:  Automated inspections and real-time analysis ensure that all construction activities comply with predefined specifications.


5. Supply Chain Management with AI

AI is transforming supply chain management in construction by predicting demand, optimising inventory levels, and improving logistics. This ensures that materials are available when needed, reducing delays and minimising waste. AI also enhances coordination among suppliers, contractors, and project managers, ensuring smooth and efficient project execution.

Recent advancements show that AI can significantly improve various aspects of supply chain management. For instance, companies using AI for supply chain management have  reported  up to a 35% reduction in inventory levels and a 15% improvement in logistics efficiency. AI-driven tools for demand forecasting, inventory management, and route optimisation help streamline processes, reducing costs and enhancing operational efficiency.

Additionally, AI provides real-time visibility and predictive insights that help identify potential disruptions in the supply chain. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, reducing the risk of material shortages and excess inventory. By leveraging AI, construction companies can achieve better coordination among stakeholders, leading to fewer delays and more efficient project execution

  • Optimised inventory management:  AI accurately predicts material requirements, ensuring optimal inventory levels and reducing waste.

  • Reduced material shortages and waste:  By forecasting demand accurately, AI minimises the risk of material shortages and excess inventory.

  • Improved Supply Chain Coordination:  Enhanced communication and real-time visibility among all stakeholders streamline project execution and reduce delays.

The integration of AI in construction management is driving significant improvements in efficiency, safety, and overall project outcomes. By leveraging these advanced technologies, construction companies can stay ahead of the curve and lead in a rapidly evolving industry.

For a comprehensive guide on digital transformation in construction management and to explore more about how AI and other digital technologies are reshaping the industry, access our full guide  here.

By incorporating these AI applications, construction companies can unlock new levels of productivity, safety, and efficiency, setting themselves up for success in the digital age.