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Case study: providing real-time site visibility

Case Study

The challenge

Morrison Water Services (MWS) provide vital repair work to keep the country’s water safe and flowing. Like many organisations, MWS had used a paper-based system for point of work risk assessments which would take around 20 minutes to complete, these forms are typically only referred to should an incident occur.

Following a review of FYLD’s Video Risk Assessment (VRAs) and front-line data capture, MWS were able to see how FYLD could complement their present safety culture, identifying the following opportunities:

  • Elevation of risk assessment capabilities and therefore reduction of incidents.
  • The ability to coach remotely on street works compliance.
  • The ability to collaborate and suggest additional hazards within the risk assessment.
  • The ability to notify the next team due on site of all the hazards.
  • The capability to share videos with their clients and customers to prove no defects.

The solution

MWS started with a trial of 40 users, which quickly expanded across eight different contracts, serving water companies across the UK. Key benefits that were realised by MWS included:

  • 15 minutes saved per risk assessment, putting time directly back on the tools.
  • 100% of sites to be reviewed remotely in real time, due to remote site visibility.
  • Proactive productivity or safety interventions on over 30% of jobs, preventing job delays or incidents.
  • Seamless job handovers preventing misinformation leading to aborted jobs.
  • Reduction in customer complaints and fines from front-line data capture.
  • Real-time insight into hazardous jobs for expert review from high-risk notifications system.

The impact

Real-time visibility

  • Over 60% of sites were reviewed by supervisors.
  • 30% of reviewed sites has proactive safety or productivity
    interventions to reduce job delays and incidents.

Increased productivity

  • Over 6,000 manager hours saved from remote, smarter supervision.
  • Over 2,600 fieldworker hours saved from time-efficient risk

Safer operations

  • Improvement in safety compliance and risk assessment quality.
Estimated deployment benefits for 1 year: £1.5m+ across 450 workers on eight contracts.

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